A grueling, bitterly fought U.S. presidential campaign comes to a close Tuesday, November 3. Tens of millions of voters are casting ballots to decide whether to keep incumbent President Donald Trump as the country’s chief executive for the next four years, or oust him in favor of former Vice President Joe Biden.
Americans Vote in Unprecedented 2020 Election
- By VOA News

Rosa Russell, 70, wears a face shield decorated with jewels during the 2020 U.S. presidential election, in Santa Monica, California, Nov. 3, 2020.

Barton Foley, 32, with his cat "Little Ti Ti" on his shoulder, casts his ballot on Election Day at Ballard High School in Louisville, Kentucky, Nov. 3, 2020.

Zora King shows her 'future voter' sticker at Borough Hall on the Election Day in Brooklyn, New York City, New York, Nov. 3, 2020.

A voter waits to cast his ballot on election day at the Amelia Elementary School in Amelia, Ohio, Nov. 3, 2020.