The Museum of London announced this week that is has acquired, as part of its protest collection, a nearly-three-meter tall “baby blimp” depicting U.S. President Donald Trump as a snarling, diapered baby.
The helium-filled balloon was originally designed by a group of Londoners seeking to protest Trump’s visit to their city in 2018. The blimp was flown around the British capital during the visit and has been flown in other nations including France, Denmark, Argentina, Ireland and Demark to protest the president and his policies.
In a statement, Museum Director Sharon Ament said the museum had been seeking to acquire the balloon for about two years. She said London has always been a city open to protest. She said, “By collecting the baby blimp we can mark the wave of feeling that washed over the city that day and capture a particular moment of resistance.”
London Mayor Sadiq Khan, a consistent and vocal critic of Trump, gave his approval for the balloon to originally fly over London during the U.S. president’s 2018 visit. The museum says it has been in touch with the owners of a balloon made of mylar in hopes of acquiring it as well.
Museum of London Acquires Mini Blimp Depicting Trump as Diapered Baby
- By VOA News