Europe migrant crisis in pictures.
Europe Migrant Crisis - Sept. 3, 3015

Hungarian policemen and a family of migrants at the railway station in the town of Bicske, Sept. 3, 2015.

Migrants and police officers wait inside the Keleti Railway Station in Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 3, 2015. Migrants are now allowed to enter the station, although direct trains from Budapest to Western Europe are currently out of operation until further notice.

Migrants storm onto a train at the Keleti train station in Budapest, Hungary, as police withdrew from the gates after blocking entry for two days, Sept. 3, 2015.

Migrants sleep outside the Keleti railway station in Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 3, 2015. More than 2,000 migrants, many of them refugees from conflicts in the Middle East and Africa, had been camped in front of the Keleti Railway Terminus, closed to them by authorities saying European Union rules bar travel by those without valid documents.