Musical thriller "Emilia Perez" and historical epic "The Brutalist" led the roster of films nominated on Monday for the 2025 Golden Globes, the Hollywood honors that kick off the movie awards season leading to the Oscars.
"Emilia Perez," released by Netflix NFLX.O, scored 10 nods and "The Brutalist," from independent distributor A24, earned seven.
Taking home a Globe can help movies in the race to the Academy Awards in March. Last year's Hollywood strikes scrambled this year's release schedule, and awards pundits say there is no clear frontrunner for best picture at the Oscars.
The Globe winners will be chosen by 334 entertainment journalists from 85 countries and will be announced Jan. 5 at a ceremony broadcast live on CBS and streamed on Paramount+.
"Emilia Perez" stars Zoe Saldana as a lawyer who helps a drug cartel leader (Spanish actor Karla Sofía Gascón) fake his death and transition from a man to a woman. Selena Gomez co-stars as the cartel leader's wife. All three were nominated for by Globes voters for acting honors.
"The Brutalist" stars Adrien Brody in an epic tale of a Hungarian immigrant who flees the horrors of World War Two to rebuild his life in the United States.
Box office smash "Wicked," adapted from a long-running Broadway play about the witches in "The Wizard of Oz," landed four nominations.