Egypt’s poor performance at this year’s World Cup in Russia is prompting an outcry, with many Egyptian football fans calling for an inquiry into the Egyptian federation’s handling of preparations for the tournament. The Egyptian national team lost all three matches it played in Russia, smashing all hopes that had surged when the country made it to the World Cup for the first time since 1990. Fans are venting their disappointment in different ways.
Egyptians Vent After World Cup Loss

Younan works at Saman Alkharaz monastery and maintains its football pitch. “As a Coptic Christians we love our country very much.” But he lack of diversity on the Egyptian team is an issue. “What breaks our heart is that in a team of 40 we don’t see at least one Christian.”

Coptic Christian teams play a football match inside Saman’s Monastery eastern Cairo. Coptic Christians have set up their own teams after complaining that prejudice has for years kept them out of Egypt’s mainstream football clubs.

Nader Ashraf, 20, watches his friends play. “I have tried to join famous football clubs.” The discrimination was not subtle. “I went for many tryouts and more than once, the jury complimented my performance but when I said I am a Christian, they said ‘Sorry, we cannot take you.’”

Nader Ashraf shows a picture of his championship trophy while playing with a Coptic team. “The only place that is welcoming Christian football players is the church, but the church’s potential to sponsor a (major) football team is very poor.”