Caught in Israel's devastating assault on their enclave, Gazans without foreign passports have been turning to Egyptian travel agencies for a costly escape from Israeli bombardments. Amid reports of profiteering by brokers, Cairo-based photojournalist Hamada Elrasam meets Palestinians who have been fundraising thousands of dollars that travel agents in Egypt are charging for each family member to secure safe passage through the Egyptian-administered, Israeli-monitored Rafah border crossing. Captions by Elle Kurancid.
Egypt’s Rafah border: The costs of fleeing Gaza

“Who holds the key to these borders,” people of all ages chant in solidarity from the steps of the Journalists’ Syndicate, continuing, “Palestine awaits us on the other side!” Cairo, Egypt, April 3, 2024.

Alaa Shalaby, the Egyptian head of the Arab Organization for Human Rights, says the sole cross-border operator approved by Egypt, Hala Consulting and Tourism, serves 40% of travelers with fast-track coordination. Cairo, Egypt, April 6, 2024.