Egypt’s decades-long housing crisis continues to worsen, with activists and authorities alike expressing concern about a continuing explosion of illegal, unsafe construction that is one of the consequences. Photojournalist Hamada Elrasam provides a glimpse of conditions that have resulted from unmanaged growth.
As Egypt's Housing Crisis Intensifies, Dangers Mount

"Omikron" tufayli huvillagan ko'chalar. London.

Fertile soil along the Nile’s banks that once produced food now yields bricks. The demand has kept kilns like this — one of 1,320 in Egypt — busy.

Ramy, a resident of Shobra, an informal neighborhood in northern Cairo, watches as survivors are sought in a collapsed building. Many buildings have gone up without permits, soil surveys or inspections. Ramy worries the collapse may not stop there and his home could be next. “Buildings are like dominos here.”

With the high demand for housing, some residents are making their homes in the city’s graveyards. Some statistics have close to 70 percent of Cairo’s population living in informal neighborhoods.