Egyptian leaders hope for a high turnout at polling stations on the first day of the Egypt's presidential election, as police and military soldiers monitor the process in which President al-Sissi is running largely uncontested.
Egypt Elections Turnout

영국 알레워즈 국립 기념 수목원에서 열린 경찰 추모 기념식에 찰스 왕세자와 함께 참석한 보리스 존슨 총리가 뒤집힌 우산을 펴고 있다.

Mousa Mostafa Mousa, President al-Sissi’s sole challenger, casts his ballot in central Cairo, March 26, 2018. (H. Elrasam for VOA)

과테말라 토토니카판에서 알레한드로 지아마테이 대통령의 사임을 요구하는 대규모 시위가 열렸다.

A ballot cast Monday shows a vote for al-Sissi. Battling a poor image in a largely uncontested election, Egyptian officials emphasized transparency as voting began Monday, March 26, 2018. (H. Elrasam for VOA)