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Cyber Attack on JP Morgan Chase Affects 76 Million Customers

FILE -JP Morgan Chase headquarters in New York.
FILE -JP Morgan Chase headquarters in New York.

U.S. banking giant JP Morgan Chase has revealed that more than 76 million customer and business accounts were exposed by one of the biggest cyber security attacks in history.

The bank had said this past summer that customer data was compromised and only revealed the extent of the attack Thursday.

But bank officials say they have not seen unusual customer fraud since the attack. They are assuring those who do business with the bank that their money is safe.

The Wall Street Journal reports security experts believe the information hacked is tied more to JP Morgan's marketing operations rather than banking.

One expert likened it to a bank robbery in which the thieves broke into the wrong building.

Other recent U.S. cyber attacks where credit information on tens of millions customers was stolen include the Home Depot hardware store chain and Target department stores.

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