Fake news about the coronavirus can do real harm. Polygraph.info is spotlighting fact-checks from other reliable sources here.
Daily Debunk
Claim: The "mainstream media" were "silent" after 23 elderly people died in Norway after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
Verdict: Missing Context
Read the full story at: Reuters
Social Media Disinfo
Circulating on social media: Video purportedly showing a man fainting after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine in Indonesia’s West Nusa Tenggara province.
Verdict: False
Read the full story at: Agence France-Presse
Factual Reads on Coronavirus
COVID Can Cause Forgetfulness, Psychosis, Mania or a Stutter
The virus induces neurological symptoms that persist long after the pandemic ends.
-- Scientific American, January 21