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The Infodemic: Jamaica Has Recorded COVID-19 Cases

Masked voters stand in line before casting their ballots in Jamaica's St. Catherine north central constituency during the general election, September 3,2020.
Masked voters stand in line before casting their ballots in Jamaica's St. Catherine north central constituency during the general election, September 3,2020.

Fake news about the coronavirus can do real harm. is spotlighting fact-checks from other reliable sources here​.

Claim: Jamaica has not recorded any COVID-19 cases.

Verdict: False

Read the full story at: USA Today

Social Media Disinfo


Circulating on social media: Footage from Israeli coronavirus vaccination clinic alongside a claim that it shows a person who died “within 15 minutes” of receiving a Covid-19 vaccine.

Verdict: False

Read the full story at: Agence France-Presse

Factual Reads on Coronavirus

Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines may block infection as well as disease
Studies suggest fully vaccinated people pose a low risk for transmitting the coronavirus.
-- ScienceNews, March 30

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    Polygraph is a fact-checking feature of the Voice of America (VOA)​. Polygraph serves as a resource for verifying the increasing volume of disinformation and misinformation being distributed and shared globally.