Fake news about the coronavirus can do real harm. Polygraph.info is spotlighting fact-checks from other reliable sources here.
Daily Debunk
Claim: Five UK nurses died after COVID-19 vaccination.
Verdict: False
Read the full story at: Reuters
Social Media Disinfo
Circulating on social media: Posts claiming that tests on a stolen sample of an unspecified vaccine showed it is radioactive enough to cause “disease and genetic damage” and speculating that it could contain radium.
Verdict: False
Read the full story at: Agence France-Presse
Factual Reads on Coronavirus
How do the leading COVID-19 vaccines work? Science explains
As countries like the United States and United Kingdom inoculate their residents with never-before-used vaccine technology, others, including Russia, China, and India, are investing in more traditional approaches, like inactivated coronavirus vaccines.
-- Science, January 29
J&J one-dose Covid vaccine is 66% effective, a weapon but not a knockout punch
Johnson & Johnson said Friday that its single-dose Covid-19 vaccine reduced rates of moderate and severe disease, but the shot appeared less effective in South Africa, where a new coronavirus variant has become common.
-- Stat, January 29
COVID-Overwhelmed Hospitals Strain Staff and Hope to Avoid Rationing Care
There are times when critically ill patients must wait for beds, and some facilities have contingency plans to limit scarce supplies to certain patients.
-- Scientific American, January 27