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The Infodemic: How Many People in the UK Have Been Infected With COVID-19?

Outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in London
Outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in London

Fake news about the coronavirus can do real harm. is spotlighting fact-checks from other reliable sources here​.

Daily Debunk

Claim: 19 million people in the United Kingdom have already been infected with the new coronavirus.

Verdict: Unclear

Read the full story at: Full Fact

Social Media Disinfo


Circulating on social media: Claim that a herbal concoction manufactured in Lesotho is a COVID-19 remedy.

Verdict: False

Read the full story at: PesaCheck​

Factual Reads on Coronavirus

New research rewrites history of when Covid-19 took off in the U.S. — and points to missed chances to stop it
The work adds to evidence that the United States missed opportunities to stop the SARS-CoV-2 virus from taking root in this country — and that those opportunities persisted for longer than has been recognized up until now.
-- Stat, May 26

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    Polygraph is a fact-checking feature of the Voice of America (VOA)​. Polygraph serves as a resource for verifying the increasing volume of disinformation and misinformation being distributed and shared globally.

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