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Chinese Viewpoints on US-China Trade Dispute

Yang Shumei, a freelancer from Guangxi, speaks during an interview in Beijing, Apr. 5, 2018. Yang said market uncertainty in the wake of tariff threats from both the USA and China would negatively affect her financially.
Yang Shumei, a freelancer from Guangxi, speaks during an interview in Beijing, Apr. 5, 2018. Yang said market uncertainty in the wake of tariff threats from both the USA and China would negatively affect her financially.

The trade dispute rumbling between China and the U.S. has raised the possibility consumers in Beijing may end up paying higher prices for American beef, liquor and tobacco if Beijing goes ahead with hikes on tariffs for such products.

Below are thoughts shared with The Associated Press by a few Beijing residents.

The investor

Yang Shumei, 29, a freelance worker from southwestern China's Guangxi province: "I think this [the threat of a trade war] does influence my life and other areas to a certain extent. I invest in stock markets, and shares have fallen sharply as the risk is high.''

The optimist

Feng Weifeng, 36, a salesman from Beijing: "I believe imposing extra tariffs from both sides is just a temporary measure and a win-win situation is the trend."

The price-sensitive buyer

Wang Xiaoyu, 20, student from Beijing, Higher prices "Will definitely influence my decisions. For daily necessities, mobile phones or electrical products, I am more likely to choose domestic brands or choose products with prices the same as those of U.S.-made products before the price hike."

The anti-tariffs student

Liu Boshu, 18, a student from central China's Zhengzhou, in Henan province: "Actually I'm against the measures from either side. Because trade barriers like this will harm both countries in the long term."