The cash-strapped country - cut off from further infusions of European funds - ordered its banks and stock market closed for six days beginning Monday, as the country's financial crisis deepens and a Tuesday deadline for easing it fast approaches.
Banks, ATMs Closed in Greece Amid Financial Crisis
- By VOA News

Elderly people, who usually get their pensions at the end of the month, wait outside a closed bank in the northern Greek port city of Thessaloniki, June 29, 2015.

A bank manager explains the situation to pensioners waiting outside a branch of the National Bank of Greece hoping to get their pensions, in Thessaloniki, Greece, June 29, 2015.

A man reads the front pages of various newspaper hanging at a kiosk in Athens, June 29, 2015.

Commuters exit from a metro station as a graffiti reading ''No'' referring to the upcoming referendum in Athens, June 29, 2015.