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Ahmadinejad: Iran to Unveil New Nuclear Achievements

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gestures as he deliver his speech at a rally to mark the 33rd anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, Tehran, Feb. 11, 2012.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gestures as he deliver his speech at a rally to mark the 33rd anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, Tehran, Feb. 11, 2012.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced Saturday that Iran will soon unveil new nuclear achievements.

Mr. Ahmadinejad spoke at Tehran's famous Azadi (Freedom) square during a rally marking the 33rd anniversary of the country's Islamic Revolution.

"God willing, in the coming days, the world will see Iran showcasing some very big nuclear achievements," he said.

The Iranian president gave no other details about the nuclear work.

The West insists Iran's nuclear program is designed to create nuclear weapon. Iran maintains its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.

The United States and European Union have tightened economic sanctions on Iran in an effort to bring Iran back to the negotiating table to discuss its nuclear pursuit.

Mr. Ahmadinejad reiterated Saturday Tehran's readiness to engage in talks with the West, and said sanctions will not bring an end to the nuclear program.

"We've been always ready to negotiate, [but] in a framework of justice and respect. It's you [addressing the West] who bring up a new excuse every day and convene and issue resolutions [against us]. I declare that, if you speak to us with the language of force and insult, the Iranian nation will never give in to your pressure," said Ahmadinejad.

Tens of thousands of Iranians rallied Saturday to mark the anniversary of the revolution that toppled Iran's U.S.-backed Shah and brought hardline Islamic clerics to power. Demonstrators gathered across the country, some chanting and carrying placards proclaiming death to America and Israel.

Gaza's Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh joined the rally at Azadi square. He spoke to the crowd ahead of Mr. Ahmadinejad, saying his Palestinian militant group will never recognize Israel.

Israel is among the nations, including the United States, that suspect Iran may be enriching uranium to make nuclear weapons. Israel has not ruled out an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.

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