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Guinea President Appears to Have Won Controversial 3rd Term in Office

Guinea's outgoing president and presidential candidate Alpha Conde, leader of Rally for the People of Guinea (RPG) waves to supporters as he attends his closing campaign rally ahead of the presidential election in Conakre, Guinea, Oct. 16, 2020.
Guinea's outgoing president and presidential candidate Alpha Conde, leader of Rally for the People of Guinea (RPG) waves to supporters as he attends his closing campaign rally ahead of the presidential election in Conakre, Guinea, Oct. 16, 2020.

Guinea President Alpha Conde appears to have secured a third term in office based on preliminary results of Sunday's election.

A spokesman for Conde told Reuters news agency the campaign is satisfied with the first results, which gives the president's team hope and confidence for a certain victory.

With most electoral districts counted, Conde reportedly received 2.4 million votes, compared to 1.26 million for opposition candidate Cellou Dalein Diallo, whose spokesman said, without providing proof, the vote included alleged fraud and will be challenged in court.

The final results of the bitter election, which triggered deadly street violence, are expected on Saturday.

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