With the new year comes a fresh start - and this new year starts with a unique date. In shorthand, January 1, 2011, is 1/1/11. Our correspondent spoke to a numerologist about whether this once-in-a-century date holds any significance.
I couldn't help but think 1/1/11 seemed to be a novel way to start a new year - a sign of a fresh start.
So I spoke to numerologist Patricia Kirkman, the author of The Complete Idiot's Guide Numerology Workbook. "When we take a look at the number 'one' in itself, if you will, it's all about self, new beginnings, changes, the individual," she said.
But, Kirkman said, the number "one" - even this repetition of the number "one" - gives just a glimpse of the bigger picture.
"When we add that to what's going on around us, 2011, it's the 'two' first. 'Two' is about partnerships, emotional, the peacemaker, or hidden secrets," she said.
Numerology itself is about revealing what is hidden. From ancient times to modern day, people have studied numbers, such as the figures in a year or a birthdate, to arrive at their supposed influence on people's lives. Some cultures put great stock in it; others dismiss it entirely.
Kirkman, who is based in the southwestern U.S. state of Arizona, has practiced numerology for 37 years. She explained that, according to the numbers, 2011 will be about making things orderly because 2011 is a "four" universal year. She arrived at that by adding the year's digits - 2 + 0 + 1 + 1, which equals four.
According to numerology, that "four" will affect everyone all year. "Now we're going into a period of putting things in order," said Kirkman. "Four is square. Four is the box. Four wants everything done right. And so we are now going into a universal year that says, 'I don't care what you did last year. It doesn't matter anymore. Now we've got to take a look at building a stronger foundation.'"
So, before you make or break or skip that new year's resolution, January 1, 2011, marks a new beginning and a chance to make things right - at least according to tradition. . . and the numbers.
A New Beginning With 1/1/11