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National Guard Deploying to New Orleans Amid Violence

U.S. National Guard troops have been pouring into New Orleans to stop looting and violence that has broken out in the city since Hurricane Katrina hit.

The Pentagon has promised to continue sending more than 1,000 troops daily over the next few days following pleas from local officials.

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin said help is needed at the city's convention center and other areas, as tensions flare among survivors over lack of supplies.

Louisiana governor Kathleen Blanco has asked for no less than 40,000 military personnel, and said officials have promised that 12,000 troops will be in place Friday.

She warned that troops in New Orleans are under orders to shoot and kill, if necessary, to restore order.

But the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency Michael Brown downplayed concerns over violence, saying security is pretty good.

Police and rescuers said attackers have opened fire on them in the city, and witnesses have reported murders, rapes and other attacks.

Some information for this report provided by Reuters.