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Chaos at Kenyan Hospital as Strikers Demand Higher Pay

Doctors and nurses at Kenya's largest hospital have gone on strike, leaving scores of patients with no one to care for them.

One of Kenya's leading newspapers, the East African Standard, reports Wednesday that at least eight patients died at Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi since the strike began Tuesday.

Health Minister Charity Ngilu talks to child patient at Kenyatta National Hospital
The report said those who died had been waiting for treatment.

Meanwhile, the Kenyan government has brought in medical students, military nurses, and volunteer cooks to fill in for striking employees.

The French news agency quotes Kenya's Health Minster Charity Ngilu as calling the situation a "medical catastrophe." After visiting the hospital, she said criminal charges would likely be brought.

Striking health workers are demanding a six-fold pay increase.

Some information for this report provided by AFP.