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Bush Offers Support to Britain, Vows to Defeat Terrorists

President Bush walks away after laying wreath at British Embassy, Friday
President Bush offered his condolences to the British people Saturday, two days after a series of bomb attacks in London. Mr. Bush said the democracies of the world would stand firm in the face of the attacks, and continue to fight the global war on terror.

Two days after a series of deadly bomb attacks struck London's public transportation system, President Bush expressed his sympathy to the victims and their families, and vowed to see the terrorists defeated.

"And just as America and Great Britain stood together to defeat the murderous ideologies of the 20th century, we again stand together to defeat the hateful ideologies of the 21st century," president Bush said.

President Bush was in Scotland for the annual meeting of the leaders of the Group of Eight industrialized nations when the attacks occurred. The summit focused on ways to combat poverty and HIV/AIDS in Africa, and the issue of global climate change. Mr. Bush said the timing of the deadly bombings highlighted the differences between the democracies of the world and radical Islamic terrorists, who seek to overthrow them.

"The contrast could not be more vivid between the intentions and the hearts of those who care deeply about human rights and human liberty, and the evil intentions and acts of those who rejoice in the death and suffering of the innocent," he said.

British and U.S. officials have said the attacks bear the hallmarks of al-Qaida, but there is no evidence directly linking the bombings to the terrorist network, and there have been no arrests. However, because the attacks appear to have been set off by timing devices, and not suicide bombers, British authorities have warned that the terrorists could strike again.

In his weekly radio address, President Bush said the attack on London reaffirmed his commitment to stay on the offensive and fight terrorists abroad.

"We will continue to deny the terrorists safe haven and the support of rogue states," he said. "And at the same time, we will spread the universal values of hope and freedom that will overwhelm their ideology of tyranny and hate. The free world did not seek this conflict, yet we will win it."

In the United States, security measures on public transportation systems remained in place. President Bush urged Americans to remain alert and report suspicious behavior to the local authorities.