Zimbabwe Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has met South African President Jacob Zuma, the outgoing chairman of the Southern Africa Development Community, as part of his diplomatic shuttle through the region to brief leaders about why he has suspended contact with President Robert Mugabe.
South African President Jacob Zuma issued a statement, after his meeting with Zimbabwe Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai in Cape Town, saying he was concerned about the threat of political instability in Zimbabwe.
Mr. Tsvangirai broke off contact with President Robert Mugabe and ZANU-PF last week because he said there was no progress in resolving outstanding issues of the year-old political agreement that led to formation of an inclusive government in February.
It was under Mr. Zuma's leadership of the Southern Africa Development Community the unity government was formed. The Southern Africa Development Community and the African Union guaranteed the political agreement that Mr. Tsvangirai says is being breached by ZANU-PF on a daily basis.
Mr. Tsvangirai met Tuesday with Mozambique President Armando Guebuza, who leads SADC's troika on security, defense and politics.
According to South African officials, Prime Minister Tsvangirai told the South African president the troika will hold a meeting on the Zimbabwe situation next week.
President Zuma expressed concern about the political situation in Zimbabwe and said: "Zimbabwe should not be allowed to slide back into instability." He said the South African government is ready to help ensure there is full implementation of the political agreement.
Mr. Tsvangirai's officials in the Movement for Democratic Change said the prime minister is also hoping to meet other SADC leaders from Angola, Botswana and the Democratic Republic of Congo, which now chairs SADC.
Mr. Mugabe has not responded to Mr. Tsvangirai's suspension of contact with him and his party. Mr. Mugabe chaired a Cabinet meeting Tuesday in Harare, but no ministers appointed by Mr. Tsvangirai attended.
Since formation of the unity government, political violence has reduced and the economy has stabilized, but little Western aid for reconstruction and development has been released.
The European Union and the United States say aid will not be increased and restrictions against Mr. Mugabe and his party will not be lifted until the political agreement has been fulfilled.
Zimbabwe PM Tsvangirai Briefs South African President Zuma on Crisis

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