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Obama to Promote Community Service


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U.S. President Barack Obama visits the western state of Texas Friday to take part in the 20th anniversary celebration of the public service program inspired by former U.S. President George H.W. Bush.

Mr. Obama will be on the campus of Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas to attend the Points of Light public service forum hosted by Mr. Bush.

The non-profit, non-partisan Points of Light Institute honors groups that participate in community service efforts.

Mr. Bush first mentioned the idea of a "1,000 points of light" in his 1989 inaugural address. Later that year, he established an award for individuals making a difference.

The Points of Light Institute, which was founded in 1990, says the public service movement has been sustained and grown under all the presidents following Mr. Bush - Bill Clinton, Mr. Bush's son, George W. Bush, and President Obama.

Earlier this year, Mr. Obama signed into law the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act designed to promote and expand on previous public service programs. Among other efforts, the White House says the act will create a contingent of 250,000 volunteers a year dedicated to addressing the nation's toughest problems.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.