Zimbabwe's Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai called on exiles to return
home during a speech in London Saturday, but his words were poorly
Mr. Tsvangirai told a crowd of about 1,000 Zimbabwean
exiles living in Britain to "come home," prompting many in the crowd to
boo and shout "Mugabe must go!"
Prime Minister Tsvangirai
entered a power-sharing government in February with his longtime rival
President Robert Mugabe, who is blamed for ruining the country's
economy and human rights abuses.
Mr. Tsvangirai says Zimbabwe needs professional and business people to return home and help rebuild the shattered country.
Tsvangirai is on an international tour aimed at winning political and
financial support for rebuilding Zimbabwe's economy and infrastructure.
United States has pledged $73 million and European countries have
pledged smaller amounts. International leaders have warned that
Zimbabwe must take steps toward democracy and improve its human rights
record before more aid will be provided.
Zimbabwe's unity government has been plagued by internal disputes.
Mr. Tsvangirai and Mr. Mugabe agreed to a power-sharing deal after disputed presidential elections in 2008.
Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.