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Bush Says He Will Miss Being Commander-in-Chief

U.S. President George Bush has delivered his last Thanksgiving address, saying he will miss being commander-in-chief of those serving the United States to defend its freedom.

During his weekly radio address, Mr. Bush Saturday said the country gives thanks for generations of Americans who overcame hardships to create and sustain a free nation, and those who continue to serve the poor, sick and elderly.

Mr. Bush also gave a special thanks to the American people for the goodwill, kind words, and heartfelt prayers that have been offered during his eight years as president. He said he was blessed to represent such decent, brave and caring people.

U.S. President-elect Barack Obama delivered his weekly address earlier this week on Thursday, encouraging Americans to come together to help renew the U.S. economy and "make a new beginning" for the country.

Mr. Obama said that his newly announced economic team is working hard to confront an economic crisis of historic proportions.

But the president-elect said policies alone will not revive the U.S. economy. He said it also will take "the hard work, innovation, service and strength of the American people."

Mr. Obama also thanked members of the armed forces and their families for their service and sacrifice.