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US President-Elect Obama’s Grandmother Wants to Attend Inauguration


US President-Elect Barack Obama's grandmother says she wants to travel to the United States to witness the inauguration of her grandson on January 20, 2009. The 84-year-old Sarah says she will bring with her Obama's favorite food, chapatti, a traditional Kenyan pastry. Although Sarah is Obama's step grandmother, the president-elect reportedly treats her like his natural grandmother. Meanwhile Kenyans are still celebrating after the unity government declared yesterday (Thursday) a national holiday in celebration of President-Elect Obama's victory in the US general election. The neighbors of Grandmother Sarah reportedly offered 10 bulls for a feast to celebrate Obama's victory.

Kabiru Kinyanjui is a Kenyan political science professor. He tells reporter Peter Clottey from the capital, Nairobi that the youth are also in support of Grandmother Sarah attending President-elect Obama's inauguration.

"This is what has been reported and a lot of people are supportive of her coming to be there to witness her grandson there being inaugurated as the first black president of the United States. Many Kenyans support this and would like to see her there to bless her grandson," Kinyanjui noted.

He said Kenyans are still celebrating the victory of US President-elect Barack Obama.

"This has been a continuing celebration and we had a national day, which was dedicated to celebrate the outcome of the American election and to celebrate the day of the President-elect Barack Obama. People have been celebrating they have been very positive thing. For instance children who have been born, some are being called Obama and girl children are being called Michelle. So, this is a continuous celebration and it would linger for a long time in the memory of Kenyans, especially when we meet quite a number of children later who would be called Obama or Michelle," he said.

Kinyanjui said Kenya's unity government declared Thursday as a national holiday as part of Obama's election as President of the United States.

"Thursday was a public holiday so we have been celebrating literally for two days. So, this is a great event and there is music and there is the usual Kenyan way of celebrating by slaughtering animals and calling their neighbors to enjoy together and celebrate this great and historical event," Kinyanjui pointed out.

He said the Kenyan youths are demanding a change in leadership to usher in younger people in government.

"One thing we have noticed is that the young people have started saying that it is time the older generation of politicians in Kenya retire so that the Obama generation can take over leadership here and emulate from the president-elect and give hope to the people of Kenya," he said.

Kinyanjui said Kenya's older leadership defended itself against calls to step down.

"The old guards have been cautious, but they have been keen to point out because of the investment in education very early on at the beginning of independence that Obama senior came to America in search of education and that is how the connection with the president-elect has come. So, they do feel they also can claim it is their vision to educate somebody and through that education this relationship has emerged. So, they do feel connected that way," Kinyanjui noted.

Africans in general have been rooting for Obama from the very moment he announced his candidacy for president. The election victory of the son of a Kenyan father is still being celebrated and savored all over the continent.