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Bush Optimistic China Will Become Freer

U.S. President George Bush is attending Olympic events in Beijing, where Saturday he expressed optimism that China will eventually allow greater freedoms for its people.

The president used his weekly radio address to express America's deep concern about freedom and human rights in China.

The president praised China's economic growth and the rise of the nation's middle class. Mr. Bush said young people who enjoy some freedoms will ultimately demand greater freedoms.

The president, who is a longtime sports fan, spent Saturday enthusiastically visiting U.S. athletes and Olympic courses.

President Bush went mountain biking for more than an hour on the Olympic course which he proclaimed "really, really difficult".

He got in a few hits with the U.S. beach volleyball teams and watched the U.S. softball teams practice.

Mr. Bush was also scheduled to meet with U.S. corporate sponsors, worship at a local church and attend basketball and swimming events this weekend.

On Sunday, President Bush is scheduled to meet with Chinese President Hu Jintao.

On Friday, President Bush visited U.S. athletes, telling them - in his words - "Go for it. Give it all you have got."

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.