Despite reports of progress in South African-brokered Zimbabwean power-sharing talks, police in Harare on Thursday raided the offices of the Crisis In Zimbabwe Coalition seeking information on its directors, in particular National Director Xolani Zitha.
Crisis Coalition lawyer Tawanda Chiurayi told reporter Patience Rusere of VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe that the raid constituted harassment as information on the directors of the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition, an umbrella for civic groups, is a matter of public record.
Elsewhere, civil society sources said about 10 activists from various groups were deported Thursday from Zambia after immigration authorities there claimed the activists were trying to disrupt the ongoing power-sharing talks.
Those deported included Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights
Chairwoman Irene Petras, Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum Chairman Abel Chikomo,
Combined Harare Residents Association Chairman Barnabas Mangodza and officials of the Kenya
office of the National Constitutional Assembly, a leading Zimbabwean civic advocacy organization.
VOA could not reach the individuals said have been deported. Sources said they were trying to hold a consultative meeting on the country's proposed transitional government.