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Pakistani President Cancels Olympic Appearance

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has canceled a scheduled trip to China for the opening of the Olympic games.

Pakistan's Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Sadiq confirmed the cancellation Wednesday, but did not give an explanation.

President Musharraf had planned to attend the opening ceremony in Beijing and meet with Chinese leaders.

The change in plans comes as leaders of Pakistan's ruling coalition met to discuss a number of issues, including the possible impeachment of Mr. Musharraf.

Pakistani People's Party leader Asif Ali Zardari and former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif spoke Tuesday, and also discussed restoring the country's judiciary. They are scheduled to meet again today.

Mr. Musharraf declared a state of emergency last November and purged the Supreme Court, in order to halt any legal challenges to his presidency.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.