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Taliban Threatens Pakistan With Suicide Attacks

Taliban leaders are threatening suicide attacks in Pakistan if the government does not stop a military crackdown on insurgents.

A Taliban spokesman, Maulvi Umar, warned the government Tuesday to immediately stop a military operation in Swat Valley or face suicide bombings.

Pakistani police say two militants were killed in the northwest region Wednesday, when a bomb they were planting at a girl's school exploded.

At least 125 people have been killed in clashes with security forces this week in Swat Valley.

The violence has risen despite a May peace deal between pro-Taliban militants and provincial leaders. Militants resumed their attacks in July, claiming the government violated the agreement.

In Pakistan's southwest Baluchistan province Wednesday, a bomb planted on a motorcycle exploded, killing four people.

No one has claimed responsibility for attack, which happened in a market area of Sibi town. Insurgents often carry out violent attacks in the southwest province.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.