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UN: Hezbollah Outlines Terms for More Prisoner Exchanges

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah has outlined its terms for further prisoner exchanges with Israel.

Mr. Ban Wednesday said he received a letter from Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah.

He said Nasrallah indicated his willingness to resolve the remaining Israeli missing in action humanitarian cases of the 1980s.

But before Hezbollah acts, the Lebanese Shi'ite leader wants the release of hundreds of "minors, women and elderly people being held in Israeli detention" as well as detainees suffering from handicaps and injuries.

Last week, Israel released five prisoners and the remains of some 200 militants to Lebanon in exchange for the bodies of two Israeli soldiers whose capture two years ago triggered a 34-day war.

Wednesday, Hezbollah transferred the remains of 114 of those militants to Syria. Hundreds of relatives greeted the bodies as they were handed over at the Lebanese-Syrian border.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.