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Bombings Kill 4 People in Baghdad, Including US Soldier      


Iraqi officials say insurgents carried out several bombings in Baghdad Thursday, killing four people, including a U.S. soldier.

In the deadliest attack, a car bomb struck a patrol of Iraqi police commandos in the Allawi district of central Baghdad, killing one commando and two civilians. Another 15 people were wounded.

The U.S. military says a roadside bomb in western Baghdad killed an American soldier.

Elsewhere, the U.S. military says coalition forces killed four militants and detained nine others in operations against al-Qaida in central and northern Iraq since Wednesday.

The U.S. military also blamed Shi'ite militia fighters for a bombing near a U.S. convoy in northern Baghdad on Wednesday. The attack killed six Iraqi civilians and wounded nine people, including two U.S. soldiers.

The military described the bombers as members of "Special Groups," a term it uses for Shi'ite insurgents that it says are backed by Iran.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.