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IAEA to Investigate Report on Iran Nuclear Intentions


The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency says his group will continue looking into a report about Tehran's nuclear ambitions, while urging Iran to be open and transparent. From Paris, Lisa Bryant has more on remarks made during an IAEA meeting in Vienna.

IAEA chief Mohammed ElBaradei told a key governors meeting that his agency would continue to examine a new report suggesting that Iran had secretly studied how to make atom bombs.

Unveiled last week, the intelligence suggests Tehran has been involved in military research that might be linked to developing non-conventional weapons.

Many western nations fear Iran is trying to make a nuclear bomb. But Tehran insists its nuclear program is for purely peaceful purposes and has dismissed these latest allegations as false.

ElBaradei said nothing to date suggests Iran used nuclear material illicitly and he praised some Iranian steps toward greater openness, but he said questions remained.

"I urge Iran to be as active and cooperative as possible in working with the agency to clarify this matter of serious concern," said Mohammed ElBaradei. "This is necessary for the agency to make the determination about the nature and scope of all of Iran's past nuclear activities."

The IAEA board of governors began its five-day session just hours before the U.N. Security Council meets to discuss Iran, with the expectation it will approve further sanctions against Tehran because of its nuclear program.