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Thousands Protest in Sudan Over Prophet Cartoon


Thousands of Sudanese Muslims have demonstrated in the capital, Khartoum, to denounce Denmark and the publishing in Danish newspapers of a cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad.

President Omar al-Bashir told the crowd Wednesday that Muslims around the world should boycott Danish products, companies, institutions and personalities.

Mr. Bashir said any Danish person will be prevented from "setting foot" on Sudanese territory.

Witnesses say more than 10,000 people attended the rally.

Earlier this month, Danish newspapers reprinted a cartoon showing the Prophet Muhammad with a turban resembling a bomb, after Danish police said they had uncovered a plot to kill the Danish cartoonist.

The cartoon was one of several originally published in Denmark in 2005 that sparked violent protests in Muslim countries.

German Interior Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble praised the decision by Danish newspapers to reprint the cartoon and said all European newspapers should follow suit. In an interview with the German newspaper, Die Zeit, he also said the use of press freedom is no reason to practice violence.

Islamic law forbids any representation of the prophet.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.