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Clinton, Obama Battle in US Presidential Nominating Contests

U.S. presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are facing off in Democratic Party nominating contests Tuesday in Hawaii and Wisconsin.

Illinois Senator Obama hopes to continue his winning streak over the New York senator after victories in eight straight contests. Polls show a close race in Wisconsin, while Obama holds an advantage in Hawaii, where he was born.

For the Republicans, Arizona Senator John McCain hopes to continue the momentum of his candidacy in races in Wisconsin and Washington state. He picked up a high-profile endorsement Monday from former President George H.W. Bush, the father of the current president.

Washington state is also holding a Democratic primary, but the results will not affect how state delegates are distributed, as that was determined in a February 9 caucus.

On Monday, Clinton criticized Obama for using someone else's lines in a speech without acknowledging the source. Obama said he should have credited his friend, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, for the lines.

For McCain, the veteran lawmaker and leading Republican presidential candidate is hoping to win over some of his conservative critics, who feel he is out of step with their views on issues such as immigration, tax policy and campaign reform.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.