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Iraqi Officials Say 4 Killed in Double Suicide Attack in Tal Afar


Iraqi officials say two suicide bombers killed at least four people and wounded 17 in an attack outside a Shi'ite mosque in the northwestern city of Tal Afar.

Police say security forces fired at the bombers, who still managed to blow themselves up during prayer services Friday at the mosque.

In other news, the U.S. military says troops detained two suspected al-Qaida in Iraq fighters allegedly linked to a fatal roadside bombing on January 29. A military statement says one of the suspects was the "number one high value" target of the U.S. brigade that captured him.

The statement says five other al-Qaida members suspected of facilitating roadside bombings in Taji Qada, northwest of Baghdad, were also detained.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.