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France's President Weds Former Model


French President Nicolas Sarkozy got married Saturday to former super model Carla Bruni, becoming the first sitting French president in more than 70 years to tie the knot. Lisa Bryant reports on the marriage from Paris.

President Sarkozy's marriage to Italian model-turned-singer Carla Bruni was widely expected, and confirmed by Paris district mayor Francois Lebel who presided over the ceremony.

Lebel told France-Info radio the marriage, at the Elysee Palace, was a family affair with only a few guests present. It lasted just 20 minutes and was celebrated at the end by toasts raised with orange juice. The mayor said he was aware the marriage would take place for the last 10 days. He noted the event was exceptional, adding the bride wore white.

Mr. Sarkozy, who divorced his second wife Cecilia in October, had been dating Bruni for a few months. Their relationship was highly publicized in the media, apparently not to the liking of the French. Surveys found that while many French did not mind the affair, they did mind the fact it was so public.

Meanwhile, Mr. Sarkozy's poll ratings have been plummeting in recent weeks, with one survey published this week giving him only 41 percent support among those questioned.

Experts say many French citizens worry about their shrinking purchasing power and feel the French president has failed to deliver on promises to turn around the country's lagging economy.