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Chinese Official, EU Envoy for Burma Meet in Beijing


Chinese state media have reported a meeting between a Chinese Communist Party official and the EU special envoy for Burma.

China's Xinhua news agency says the party's International Department head Wang Jiarui and Piero Fassino met Wednesday in Beijing.

The report quoted Wang as saying China is willing to make constructive efforts for stability, democracy and reconciliation in Burma.

Fassino was quoted as saying the European Union appreciates China's contribution to stability in Burma.

There was no immediate confirmation from the European Union of the report.

Before his arrival, Fassino said China is an emerging world power and has an opportunity to play a role in improving the situation in Burma.

The EU envoy is on the first leg of an Asian tour that will take him next to India, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam.

Shortly after his appointment in November, Fassino began calling on Asian leaders to put stronger pressure on Burma.

The European Union tightened sanctions against Burma's military government in response to a crackdown on anti-government protests.

China, a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council, has opposed imposing new sanctions on Burma, calling them counterproductive.