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Bush Urges Burma to Stop Intimidating Citizens


President Bush is urging Burma's military government to stop what he calls an "intimidation" of its citizens who are promoting democracy and human rights.

In remarks Friday at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Summit in Australia, Mr. Bush said the Burmese regime must release all political prisoners, including pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

He also asked the international community to press Burma to stop "arresting, harassing and assaulting" activists for organizing or participating in peaceful demonstrations.

There have been anti-government rallies and marches across Burma for the past few weeks, since the military government doubled the price of fuel.

Activists say authorities have arrested at least 100 demonstrators. The government says it is holding 50 people.

On Thursday, lawmakers with the European Union issued a resolution deploring the Burmese government for its crackdown, which they said included violent attacks on civilians, particularly women.

They also called on the international community to address the situation in Burma at the United Nations.