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Two Somalia Reconciliation Delegates Injured in Grenade Attack

Officials in Somalia say that two delegates to the nation's peace and reconciliation conference have been injured in a grenade attack in the capital, Mogadishu.

Government and police officials say insurgents threw three grenades at the hotel housing peace conference delegates in north Mogadishu late Friday. The officials say the victims were not seriously injured.

A week ago gunmen killed a prominent clan elder who had been taking part in the peace conference. At least two gunmen shot Mo'alin Harun as he was returning from evening prayers.

The government-sponsored peace conference convened last month and aims to bring together Somalia's rival clans, moving the country toward peace after 16 years of conflict. But so far, it has shown no sign of reconciling the nation's warring factions.

Violence has become a daily occurrence in the nation as insurgents continue to battle the government and its Ethiopian allies.

On Friday, gunmen killed a radio reporter - the third radio journalist to be killed in the past two weeks in the war-torn nation

The Horn of Africa country has not had a stable central government since 1991.

Some information for this report was provided by Reuters.