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World Bank Nominee Praises New Generation of African Leaders

The U.S. nominee to head the World Bank has hailed what he calls a "new generation" of African leaders, and has promised to build stronger partnerships with African countries.

As he wrapped up a four-day tour of the continent in South Africa, Robert Zoellick said African leaders are taking responsibility for their countries in dealing with issues including energy, employment, investment and infrastructure.

Zoellick said if he is appointed president of the World Bank, he will focus on stronger partnerships with African countries to help with their individual strategies for development and growth.

Zoellick met with African leaders in Ghana, Ethiopia and South Africa on this week's tour. He is scheduled to visit Europe, Mexico and Brazil before returning to the United States.

Zoellick is expected to be confirmed as World Bank president next month.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP.