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Coalition Forces in Iraq Kill One, Capture Eight

Coalition Forces in Iraq say they have killed one terrorist and detained eight suspected terrorists, including an alleged senior leader of the al-Qaida in Iraq group.

A military statement says one of the detainees captured Saturday during a raid in Hit is suspected to be a militant who works with high-level al-Qaida operatives in Anbar province.

Meanwhile, Sunni gunmen and al-Qaida militants have engaged in several days of battles in the predominantly Sunni Amiriya neighborhood of Baghdad, resulting in numerous casualties.

Residents say al-Qaida fighters began streaming into the area Wednesday, sparking street battles with Sunni fighters.

In southwestern Baghdad Friday, Iraqi officials said a mortar attack killed at least 10 people and wounded 30 others.

In the western city of Fallujah, the U.S. military said three children were killed and one insurgent was wounded when a coalition tank fired on three men planting a roadside bomb. The military is investigating the incident.