Environmental activists are building a replica of Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey to remind the world of the threat climate change poses to life on the planet.
Greenpeace says volunteers from Germany and Turkey are building the wooden boat on the mountain, where some believe the ark landed after a flood described in the Bible.
Greenpeace plans to unveil the ark at a ceremony on May 31.
The group's energy campaigner, Andree Bohling, urged the world's leading industrialized nations, whose leaders will soon meet in Germany, to take serious action on climate change.
According to the Bible, God told Noah to build a boat to save his family and a pair of every animal species from a flood sent to punish the world for its evil ways.
Greenpeace built another ark in Brussels last month when the United Nations climate change panel met. The panel reported the earth's rising temperature could have severe consequences, including drought, floods, violent storms and increased hunger and disease.