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US Lawmakers Vow to Resist Removing North Korea from List of Terror Sponsors


Three U.S. lawmakers from President Bush's Republican Party say they will oppose any attempts by Washington to remove North Korea from its list of state sponsors of terrorism.

The lawmakers have sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, urging caution in Washington's diplomatic approach to North Korea.

The U.S. agreed last month to begin the process of removing North Korea from its terrorism blacklist, as an incentive for the reclusive country to ends its nuclear weapons program

The three members the House of Representatives say to remove North Korea from the list, Pyongyang should stop its involvement in terrorist activities for at least four years. The legislators also say North Korea needs to resolve any outstanding cases of past terrorism activities, including the kidnapping of Japanese, South Korean and U.S. citizens.

North Korea tested a nuclear devise last year, but says it will close its main nuclear facility by April 13 in exchange for fuel aid and diplomatic incentives.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.