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Iranian Nuclear Negotiator Visits South Africa

Iran's top nuclear negotiator has arrived in South Africa for talks on nuclear issues with President Thabo Mbeki.

Ali Larijani arrived in South Africa Sunday. A South African foreign affairs spokesman said Larijani's meeting with Mr. Mbeki is part of ongoing and regular consultations.

Iran's official news agency said the two would discuss Iran's peaceful nuclear activities.

South Africa is the first and to date only country to build nuclear weapons and then entirely dismantle its nuclear weapons program.

The country, which still uses nuclear energy, has said it supports efforts by all nations to develop nuclear technologies for peaceful purposes.

Diplomats from the United States, Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany meet later Monday in London to discuss what steps to take to stop Iran from enriching uranium, a process that could result in material for making nuclear bombs. Iran claims it is not developing nuclear weapons.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.