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Iran Asks Europeans to Reopen Nuclear Talks


An Iranian news report says Iran has formally asked the European Union to reopen stalled talks on its nuclear program.

The Fars news agency said a letter from top Iranian nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani has been delivered to Britain, France and Germany, welcoming the resumption of "rational and constructive" talks. The EU has not publicly responded to the offer.

Talks between the two sides broke down in August, when Tehran rejected a European offer of economic and political incentives in return for scrapping its nuclear fuel program.

Instead, Tehran resumed uranium conversion activities, and the International Atomic Energy Agency declared Tehran was not cooperating with nuclear inspectors as required under international treaty.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry said Sunday that Tehran allowed IAEA inspectors access to a high-security military site last week, to counter U.S. suspicions it is trying to develop nuclear weapons.

Some information for this report provided by Reuters and AFP.