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Pakistan Extradites 14 Taleban Insurgents to Afghanistan

The Afghan government has welcomed the extradition of 14 Taleban insurgents from Pakistan to Kabul, but also urged its neighbor to hunt down more suspected militants hiding in Pakistan.

A government spokesman says such moves will strengthen relations between the two countries and will open a new era of cooperation in the war against terrorism.

Among those extradited were purported Taleban spokesmen Latif Hakimi and Mohammad Yasir.

Afghan state television showed Afghan soldiers leading the 14 men, all blindfolded, off a military plane late Wednesday. Afghan officials say they will be put on trial for their role in violence against government targets, as well as Afghan and coalition forces.

Meanwhile, a bomb attached to a bicycle blew up Thursday, in the southern city of Kandahar, killing a policeman and wounding two civilians.

Some information for this report provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.