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Afghan Insurgents Kill Two More Pro-Government Muslim Clerics

Afghan officials say suspected Taleban insurgents have killed two more pro-government Muslim clerics, just days after a bomb Friday killed a mullah in a mosque in the eastern Khost province.

The officials say Mullah Mohammad Gul was gunned down late Sunday while walking home after prayers at a mosque in Lashkargah, the capital of southern Helmand province.

Hours later, unknown assailants broke into a home of the head of the religious council for eastern Kunar province, Noor Ahmad Jan, and shot him dead.

Following the Friday killing, at least 5,000 Afghans staged a peaceful protest in Khost, urging the government to provide better security for religious leaders.

In the past, Taleban insurgents have killed several influential clerics who had denounced the militants and expressed support for President Hamid Karzai.

Some information for this report provided by AFP.