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North Korea Invites US Nuclear Envoy to Visit

North Korea has invited Washington's chief U.S. nuclear negotiator to Pyongyang to discuss the North's nuclear program.

The North's Deputy Foreign Minister, Choe Su Hon, said Pyongyang would impose no conditions on a visit by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill.

Washington has not commented on the proposal.

Also Thursday, North Korea said the United States should provide it with civilian nuclear reactors "as soon as possible" to build confidence in Monday's nuclear disarmament agreement. Washington has rejected that demand.

Meanwhile, Japan's Kyodo news agency reports Pyongyang has agreed to talks with Japan in October on a range of issues, including Pyongyang's nuclear weapons program. Their disputes include North Korea's missile program and the unresolved cases of Japanese citizens kidnapped by Pyongyang in the 1970s and 80s.

Some information for this report provided by AP and AFP.