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Israel Resumes Gaza Evacuations

Israeli bulldozers shoved aside burning barricades at the Katif settlement in the Gaza Strip Sunday as security forces prepared to evacuate it. The operations resumed Sunday after a one-day suspension for the Jewish Sabbath.

Young men inside the settlement had erected several barricades at the entrance of Katif which they set alight as the troops arrived. Fire trucks and heavy earth movers moved in, shoving the burning wreckage aside.

Katif resident Naama Zarbit wept as the soldiers moved in. Cant someone, somewhere, do something to stop this? she cried.

Katif and at least two other Gaza settlements are scheduled for evacuation Sunday. A fourth, the isolated settlement of Netzarim, is to be cleared on Monday. The removal of settlers and their supporters from four small settlements in the northern West Bank is to begin later in the week.